


  • Pipy Documentation
  • Introduction
    • Overview
    • Concepts
  • Getting Started
    • Build and Install
    • Quick Start
    • Getting help
  • Release
    • Release History
      • 0.10.0-1
      • 0.22.0-31
      • 0.30.0
      • 0.50.0
  • Tutorial
    • Part 1: Hello
    • Part 2: Echo
    • Part 3: Proxy
    • Part 4: Routing
    • Part 5: Loading Balancing
    • Part 6: Configuration
    • Part 7: Plugins
  • Operating
    • Admin GUI
    • CLI
    • Pipy Repo
      • Introduction
      • Quick Start
      • Demo
      • REST API
    • Statistics
  • Reference
    • API
      • Configuration
        • acceptHTTPTunnel()
        • acceptProxyProtocol()
        • acceptSOCKS()
        • acceptTLS()
        • admin()
        • branch()
        • branchMessage()
        • branchMessageStart()
        • chain()
        • compress()
        • compressHTTP()
        • connect()
        • connectHTTPTunnel()
        • connectProxyProtocol()
        • connectSOCKS()
        • connectTLS()
        • decodeBGP()
        • decodeDubbo()
        • decodeHTTPRequest()
        • decodeHTTPResponse()
        • decodeMQTT()
        • decodeMultipart()
        • decodeRESP()
        • decodeThrift()
        • decodeWebSocket()
        • decompress()
        • decompressHTTP()
        • deframe()
        • demux()
        • demuxHTTP()
        • detectProtocol()
        • dummy()
        • dump()
        • encodeBGP()
        • encodeDubbo()
        • encodeHTTPRequest()
        • encodeHTTPResponse()
        • encodeMQTT()
        • encodeRESP()
        • encodeThrift()
        • encodeWebSocket()
        • exec()
        • exit()
        • export()
        • fork()
        • handleData()
        • handleMessage()
        • handleMessageBody()
        • handleMessageEnd()
        • handleMessageStart()
        • handleStreamEnd()
        • handleStreamStart()
        • handleTLSClientHello()
        • import()
        • insert()
        • link()
        • listen()
        • loop()
        • mux()
        • muxHTTP()
        • onEnd()
        • onStart()
        • pack()
        • pipeline()
        • print()
        • read()
        • repeat()
        • replaceData()
        • replaceMessage()
        • replaceMessageBody()
        • replaceMessageEnd()
        • replaceMessageStart()
        • replaceStreamEnd()
        • replaceStreamStart()
        • replay()
        • serveHTTP()
        • split()
        • task()
        • tee()
        • throttleConcurrency()
        • throttleDataRate()
        • throttleMessageRate()
        • to()
        • use()
        • wait()
        • watch()
      • Data
        • from()
        • Data()
        • push()
        • shift()
        • shiftTo()
        • shiftWhile()
        • size
        • toArray()
      • Hessian
        • decode()
        • encode()
      • JSON
        • decode()
        • encode()
        • parse()
        • stringify()
      • Message
        • body
        • head
        • Message()
        • tail
      • MessageEnd
        • MessageEnd()
        • payload
        • tail
      • MessageStart
        • head
        • MessageStart()
      • Netmask
        • base
        • bitmask
        • broadcast
        • contains()
        • decompose()
        • first
        • hostmask
        • ip
        • last
        • mask
        • Netmask()
        • next()
        • size
        • version
      • StreamEnd
        • error
        • StreamEnd()
      • URL
        • auth
        • hash
        • host
        • hostname
        • href
        • URL()
        • origin
        • password
        • path
        • pathname
        • port
        • protocol
        • query
        • search
        • searchParams
        • username
      • URLSearchParams
        • get()
        • getAll()
        • URLSearchParams()
        • set()
        • toObject()
      • XML
        • Node
          • attributes
          • children
          • name
          • Node()
        • decode()
        • encode()
        • parse()
        • stringify()
      • algo
        • Cache
          • clear()
          • get()
          • Cache()
          • remove()
          • set()
        • HashingLoadBalancer
          • add()
          • HashingLoadBalancer()
          • next()
        • LeastWorkLoadBalancer
          • LeastWorkLoadBalancer()
          • next()
          • set()
        • LoadBalancer
          • allocate()
          • LoadBalancer()
          • provision()
          • schedule()
        • LoadBalancerResource
          • free()
          • target
        • Quota
          • consume()
          • current
          • initial
          • Quota()
          • produce()
          • reset()
        • RoundRobinLoadBalancer
          • RoundRobinLoadBalancer()
          • next()
          • set()
        • URLRouter
          • add()
          • find()
          • URLRouter()
        • hash()
        • uuid()
      • console
        • debug()
        • error()
        • info()
        • log()
        • warn()
      • crypto
        • Certificate
          • issuer
          • Certificate()
          • subject
          • subjectAltNames
        • CertificateChain
          • CertificateChain()
        • Cipher
          • final()
          • Cipher()
          • update()
        • Decipher
          • final()
          • Decipher()
          • update()
        • Hash
          • digest()
          • Hash()
          • update()
        • Hmac
          • digest()
          • Hmac()
          • update()
        • JWK
          • isValid
          • JWK()
        • JWT
          • header
          • isValid
          • JWT()
          • payload
          • verify()
        • PrivateKey
          • PrivateKey()
        • PublicKey
          • PublicKey()
        • Sign
          • Sign()
          • sign()
          • update()
        • Verify
          • Verify()
          • update()
          • verify()
      • http
        • Agent
          • new()
          • request()
        • Directory
          • new()
          • serve()
      • logging
        • BinaryLogger
          • log()
          • BinaryLogger()
          • toFile()
          • toHTTP()
          • toStderr()
          • toStdout()
          • toSyslog()
        • JSONLogger
          • log()
          • JSONLogger()
          • toFile()
          • toHTTP()
          • toStderr()
          • toStdout()
          • toSyslog()
        • TextLogger
          • log()
          • TextLogger()
          • toFile()
          • toHTTP()
          • toStderr()
          • toStdout()
          • toSyslog()
      • os
        • env
        • readDir()
        • readFile()
        • stat()
        • unlink()
        • writeFile()
      • pipy()
        • exit()
        • load()
        • restart()
        • solve()
      • stats
        • Counter
          • decrease()
          • increase()
          • Counter()
          • withLabels()
          • zero()
        • Gauge
          • decrease()
          • increase()
          • Gauge()
          • set()
          • withLabels()
          • zero()
        • Histogram
          • Histogram()
          • observe()
          • withLabels()
          • zero()
    • PipyJS
      • Language
      • Builtin Objects
      • NMI



    Event to mark the end of a message in an event stream.

    It can also hold the high-level representation for the footer of the message in its tail property.

    The content of tail can vary according to the protocol being used. See For each protocol.


    new MessageEnd(tail?, payload?)

    Creates an instance of MessageEnd.



    Value representation of the message body after decoding.


    Protocol-dependent message footer.


    Type of the event.


    This example could be done more concisely with a Message object.

    // This can also be done with a single Message object.
    new MessageStart({
    status: 200,
    statusText: 'OK',
    headers: {
    'content-type': 'text/plain'
    new Data('Hello!\n'),
    new MessageEnd,

    See Also

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